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were issued in August as follows, viz:

Sanitary Stores | C.C. and G. Equipage
100 Hospital Shirts | 250 pr trousers
2 doz. bottles Jamaica Ginger | 60 [[ditto for: pr]] Brogans
6 bbls of Lime | 28 flannel sack coats (lined)
[[blank]] | 50 Hats

The condition of the various hospitals is good, but for a detailed report of them and of matter under charge of the Medical Department, I have the honor to refer you to the report of Surg. M.K. Hogan Chief Surgeon to whose energy and skill the excellent sanitary condition of the freedmen through the State is to be in a great measure attributed.

In conclusion I beg leave again to refer to the small number of freedmen requiring assistance during the coming winter, as an evidence that this race can and will work for themselves and their families, now that they know their labor is their own.  With a negro population of more than 260,000 many of whom were from other States and naturally unwilling to settle down to work here, - the labor experiment has been tried and at this time of the 2nd harvest raised, in this State by free labor, there are at the largest estimate that can be based on careful reports not more than 2500 freedmen who have not placed themselves and their families out of the reach of want for the year.  It is not claimed that they have gained a competency but that no more than that number now declare themselves as objects of charity, and these it is to be remembered are persons, who by reason of age, infirmity and disease would be a charge in society in any State and at any time.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jno C. Robinson
Bvt. Maj. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Head Qrs. Asst Commissioner N.C.
Raleigh N.C.  Sep. 17" 1866

Howard  Maj Gen'l O.O.
Commissioner &c


I have the honor to report the following amount of Bureau Funds remaining in hands of Chief Disbursing Officers of this State for the week ending Sep. 15" 1866

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In whose hands | Amount | Fund | Where Deposited
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Bvt. Lt. Col. J.D. Stubbs | $4468.04 | App. | Raleigh National Bk.
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I have the honor to remain
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Bvt. Brig. General
Actg. Asst Com'r.

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Head Qrs. Asst Commissioner N.C.
Raleigh N.C.  Sep. 24" 1866

Howard  Maj Gen'l O.O.
Commissioner &c


I have the honor to report funds on hand for week ending Sep. 22d as follows:
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In whose hands | Amount | Fund | Where Deposited
[[line across page]]
Bvt. Lt. Col. J.D. Stubbs | $4121.33 | Appro. | Raleigh National Bk.
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Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
J.V. Bomford
Col. 8th U.S. Infty A. Asst. Com'r.