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Bureau of Refugees Freedman &c
Head Qrs Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Nov. 8" 1866

Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands in the State of North Carolina, during the year ending October 31st 1866. 

It is a subject of congratulation on reviewing the past, to see the great good that has been accomplished in the elevation of a race of people, to a sphere which their habits and education, and the opposition of their former owners made it extremely difficult for them to understand.
The beneficial results of the working of the Bureau are everywhere apparent, although there have been many difficulties surrounding its operations, owing to the lingering animosity of a portion of the people, and the frequent attempts of the public press of the State, to bring it into disrepute and contempt.

At the last census, the colored population of this State was 361,178 and one year ago the State was filled with freedmen, depending upon Government for support, many of whom were not worthy objects of its generosity.  By a vigorous effort, this latter class were thrown upon their own resources;  energetic measures were inaugurated to better the condition of those really in need and the happy results were soon apparent, for as the year advanced, the tax upon the Government became less severe.  The scattering of assemblies in and around all the supply depots, by opening avenues for industry and the acquirement of homes was attended with great success, and the gratifying result of a general inclination to obtain work has developed itself.  At this time there are less than four hundred freed people drawing rations from the Government.

The State is divided into four Districts, each of which is under the Superintendance of a field officer - these Districts are divided into Sub-Districts in charge of Captains and Subalterns or of citizen agents.  The whole number of officers of the Military Service connected with the Bureau in this State is 36.  Number of citizen agents 11.

On assuming the duties of Assistant Commissioner I found many persons employed as Agents and Clerks

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who had not taken and in many instances, could not take the oath of office required by the Act of Congress establishing and continuing the Bureau.  The law upon this point has been rigidly enforced and at this time, none but those duly qualified are holding positions.

I regret to state, that the reports I have received from District Superintendents, do not enable me to report as fully on some points as could be desired.  They give as a reason for failure to make as full reports as required, that in consequence of the numerous changes of officers during the year, and the imperfect manner in which some of the records have been kept, they are unable to give all the information for which I have called.

Administration of Justice.

Having in the month of July received a communication from the Executive of this State, informing me that by the action of the last Legislature, and the late State Convention, there existed under the laws of the State, no discrimination in the administration of justice, to the prejudice of freedpersons of color, I issued the following orders:

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Qrs Asst. Commissioner N.C.
Raleigh N.C. July 13" 1866

General Order }
No 3          }
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His Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina, having officially notified the Assistant Commissioner that, "there now exists under the laws of this State, no discrimination in the administration of justice to the prejudice of free persons of color" all officers and agents of the Bureau will hereafter refer all cases to which freedmen are parties, to the proper county or State Authorities according to the nature of the case, with the single exception of claims for wages due under contracts, approved or witnessed by officers or agents of the Bureau, which not admitting of delay, will be adjudicated as heretofore.

In case of any failure, neglect or inability of the civil authorities, to arrest and bring to trial persons who have been and may hereafter be charged with commission of crimes and offences against officers,

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Minor corrections. Should be OK to go.