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agents, citizens, and the inhabitants of the United States, irrespective of color.  Officers in charge of Districts are hereby directed to arrest and detain such persons in military confinement, until such time as a proper judicial Tribunal may be ready and willing to try them.

By Command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Robinson
Assistant Commissioner
Clinton A. Cilley
Asst. Adjt. General

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Head Qrs. Asst. Commissioner N.C.
Raleigh N.C. August 8" 1866

General Order}
No. 5}
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General Orders No. 3 Current series from these Head Quarters having been misunderstood, it is ordered, to prevent further misapprehension, that all claims for wages made by freedmen, under contracts not approved or witnessed by Officers or agents of the Bureau will be turned over to the civil authorities for adjudication.  The nearest officer or agent of the Bureau, will when practicable, attend the courts during the trial of such cases, and report upon the action taken, in order that, if it is apparent that the freedmen are unnecessarily delayed in the collection of their claims, jurisdiction over the cases may be resumed by the Bureau.

By Command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Robinson
Clinton A. Cilley
Asst. Adjt. General

I have had little cause to regret my action in this matter.  In some parts of the State the courts have acted fairly and impartially and it has put an end to the frivolous and vexatious charges, that the freedmen were constantly making to Bureau Courts against the whites and against one another.

In other sections complaints have been made that the civil courts and authorities, have in many instances paid no attention to cases where Union men or freedmen were complainants, and have been unnecessarily severe where they were defendants.  There the freedmen have but little confidence in the justice of the civil courts, but

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they have been protected in their rights, by the officers of the Bureau.  This want of confidence is principally in the action of inferior courts.  The Superintendent of the Central District says, "In my opinion the freedmen whether plaintiffs or defendents, will be more likely to receive justice in the Superior Courts, than before any other tribunal."

When not otherwise engaged, Officers of the Bureau have been employed in giving counsel and advice to the freedmen, in the general management of their affairs, looking to the fulfillment of contracts and obligations, presenting their cases to the civil authorities, aiding them in the prosecution of the same in the courts, and in all other things where they seek advice, and in attending courts, during the trial of cases in which freedmen were parties.

[[underlined]] Apprenticing [[/underlined]]
In some Counties the apprenticing of children has been carried out by the courts in such a manner as to demand forcible interference. Children have been taken from their parents who were able and willing to support them, and bound out to their former masters and owners until they are twenty one years of age, which can only be regarded as an attempt to reestablish slavery under the mild name of apprenticeship.  All cases of this nature coming to my notice have been promptly examined and the children returned to their parents, or to those to whom they had legally been bound.  Superintendents of the districts were directed to cancel the indentures, and to allow no discrimination to be made between the children of whites and blacks.  Persons having children bound to them are required to give bond of the amount of $500. to insure the faithful fulfillment of the contract which requires among other provisions for a certain amount of schooling, which includes, reading, writing and arithmetic.

[[underlined]] Issue of Rations [[/underlined]]
Owing to irregularities in keeping record in some districts during the early part of the year, I am unable to give in all cases the proportions issued to whites and blacks but the aggregate is correct as follows.

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