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[[line across page]]
District | Whites | Blacks | Aggregate
[[line across page]]
Central | 2,000 | 82,106 | 84,106
Eastern | 111,938 | 223,876 | 335,814
Southern | 200 | 98,656 | 98,856
Western | [[blank]] | [[blank]] | 89,964
[[double line across page]]
Total issue in State   688,740

In consequence of the order discontinuing the issue of rations, I have reason to fear that there will be much suffering during the coming winter, if I may judge from reports already made, and the indisposition, and positive refusal of the local and State authorities to provide for the destitute.  In some cases want of means, and accommodations, is the excuse, and in all localities, a rule requiring a residence of one year in the County before relief will be given.  The parties requiring succor in most cases, have either left or been driven from their homes, by reason of persecution, and are now among strangers.  Could they be returned to their original residences, there is no guarantee that they would be better provided for.  Associations and land marks are obliterated, and entire changes in communities, render it almost an impossibility to prove a residence, if once returned.  I therefore recommend that Assistant Commissioners be allowed some discretion in regard to issue of rations in such cases.

It is perhaps worthy of notice, that since the issuing of the order to discontinue the issue of rations, there is much less open oposition to the Bureau, than there was previously.  The local newspapers no longer assail it, and its benefits seem to have suddenly become manifold.

[[underlined]] Free Labor and its results. [[/underlined]]

It has become a fact beyond contravention, that free labor system has entirely exploded the oft repeated fallacy, that the colored man will not labor, except when guarded by the interests of others, and urged by the artifices and compulsory means of involuntary servitude.  In all parts of the State, evidence of an unmistakeable character show what can be accomplished by free labor;  the incentive to better their condition in life, by accumulating means for acquiring a permanent home, their improved appearance, and the heartiness of their

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efforts, show the beneficial results.  Much more will be accomplished, as each succeeding year, breaks down the barriers now erected by a people unwilling to acknowledge the success of emancipation.  Much that would have been accomplished has failed, to some degree, owing to the poverty of those to whom they would be able assistants, if the material requisite for rapid improvement were more available, and when it is considered in connection with such draw backs, how small the harvest has been, by reason of natural causes, it is really a matter of great surprise, that the system has proved so prosperous.

[[underlined]] Claims of discharged soldiers. [[/underlined]]

There appears to be, no record on file of any business in the Claim Department previous to my assuming charge of this State in June last.  Since that time the following business has been transacted.
Claims presented against U.S. Government  310
[[ditto for: Claims]] collected from [[dittos for: U.S. Government 310]]
[[ditto for: Claims]] presented for retained State Bounty  400
[[ditto for: Claims]] collected of [[dittos for: retained State Bounty]]  52

Amount collected and paid over  $4304.51
Largest amount paid one person  108.33
Smallest [[dittos for: amount paid one person]]  18.00

Much delay has been occasioned by the numerous rules to the observed, and which in the cases of colored soldiers are so extremely difficult to be complied with.  The men composing this class are generally ignorant and have few opportunities with becoming familiar with names, dates and localities, which must necessarily be embraced in their application.  Destitute of means to pay civil officers for preparing their papers in many cases, and in others, when possessed of means, they look with suspicion when fees are demanded, and lose confidence when delays occur.  If think a discrimination should be made in favor of these people, by allowing papers in claims against the Government to be executed entirely by a Commissioned Officer.

[[underlined]] Homestead Act. [[/underlined]]