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The initiating steps towards giving the colored people their rights of representation, already gives evidence of its influence in the development of their manhood in a quiet manner indicating their appreciation of their position, unattended by any evidences of elatedness but with an earnestness of purpose characterized by moderation and proper reasoning.

The following shows the issue of rations during the month.
To Sick in Hospitals | 5991
"[[ditto for To]] Orphan Asylums | 1110
"[[ditto for To]] Destitute Whites | 14985
" "[[ditto for To Destitute]] Freedpeople | 19361
Total in February | 41,447

The report of Officers in charge of Division of Claims shows that during the month there were claims acted upon as follows.
Claims for US Bounty forwarded | 14
" "[[dittos for Claims for]] State " "[[ditto for Bounty forwarded]] | 23
" "[[dittos for Claims for]] US "[[ditto for Bounty]] Corrected & forwarded | 3
" " " "[[dittos for Claims for US Bounty]] paid | 3
" "[[dittos for Claims for]] State " "[[ditto for Bounty paid]] | 8
Amount of US Bounty "[[ditto for paid]] | $403.64
" "[[dittos for Amount of]] State " "[[ditto for Bounty paid]] | 733.33
Total Collected & paid | $1136.97

The Supt of Education reports that on 30th of April there were in this State 181 schools 212 Teachers & 12840 pupils.
During the month 1027 persons have received medical treatment, at the date of report (April 30th) 465 were remaining in the various hospitals.

The following exhibit shows the disbursements on account of the Bureau during the month
Salaries of Asst & Sut Asst Commissioners | 423.33
" "[[dittos for Salaries of]] Clerks | 1901.29
Quarters and Fuel | 602.00
Medical Department | 556/88
Transportation | 189.99
School Superintendents | 146.67
Repairs & Rents of School Houses & Asylums | 25.00
Telegraphing & Postage | 192.31
Refugee & Freedmens Fund | 1163.30

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Clothing for distribution | 40.00
Total | 6366.33

I am General
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Col & Bt Maj General
Asst Commissioner

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  June 24th 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


In submitting the report of operations for the month of May there are but few if any matters of interest to suggest beyond that reported for the proceeding month.  Changes have recently been made in the organization of the Bureau which will tend to increase its sphere of usefulness - and benefits, which changes during its transition has somewhat delayed the [[?referral]] reports.  Since my last report no complaints of a serious nature have been made at these Headquarters.  Questions of non fulfilments of payments due have occupied considerable attention of Officers and Agents but which have in most cases been amicably settled - these questions spring more from the state of affairs arising from the monetary prostration of the Country than any desire to evade a just settlement of debts and there is every reason to improve that in the event of good crops - most if not all liabilities will be cancelled.

The issue of subsistance is larger that was supposed would be necessary at this season of the year but as yet nothing has been realized from crops and many who have until this time been able to provide for themselves are now compelled to ask - relief which will be withdrawn as soon as the result of their labors can be made available.

The work of Education still occupies much attention and although the season is far advanced when many must be taken