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(3) The Catalogue of the Section of Marine Architecture was turned over to me late in February and the catalogues of Textiles, Foods, Chemicals in April.

On March 27th, arrangements having been made with Capt. J. W. Collins for preparing "a full descriptive catalogue of the collections in the section of Marine Architecture that will serve as a history of Naval Architecture as illustrated by the models and other objects in the Museum Collections" for a stipulated sum, Capt. Collins entered upon his duties April 1st.

All objects relating to Marine[[strikethrough]] ^[[Naval]][[/strikethrough]] Architecture formerly in the section of Transportation and Engineering have been transferred to the section of Marine Architecture and will be included in the catalogue of that section now in course of preparation.

(3a) During April a model of the N. east range was made together with rough models to scale of each boat then suspended from the ceiling with a view to accomplish a more systematic arrangement of that portion of the collection. These were submitted to you for approval and have been rearranged according to the modifications suggested by you. It is my intention to proceed with this work as soon as plan is approved by you and piping or other supports for the boats are attached to the celling. ^[[many of ]] these boats have been unhung, carefully cleaned and measured [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in order that they may be]] described in the catalogue being prepared by Captain Collins. 
