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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

  (1) Give the number of specimens received during the year, and also, separately, the number of specimens in the collection, after making allowance for deductions through waste material, exchanges, and other distributions.
  (2) Give the number of the last entry in your catalogue on June 30, 1895 and June 30, 1896.
                    Specimens re-     Total number    Last catalogue 
Name of             cived during      of specimens    entry June 30-95
collection.         1894-95.          in collection.  & June 30-96

Transportation          112               1,911          181250  ^112

Naval Architecture       12               1,331          160390  ^12

Animal Products          11               3,039          105071  ^11

Textiles                 0                4,942          No Entries

Paints and Dyes          0                  197             "

Foods                    0                1,114             "

Oils and Gums     )      0                1,112             "
Chemical Products )

[[signed]] J. E. Watkins Curator [[/signed]]

Transcription Notes:
Catalogue entry "163090" was transcribed as corrected "160390". Catalogue entry "164002" was transcribed as corrected "160402".