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PagesPhoto #ClientDateColor/FormatLocationLatLongOrderNotes
330-33121224Reed, Mr. W. C. (Group)1927/11/09B&W 11x14Fox Theatre38.919014-77.03087126701Renamed Lowe's Capital Theatre in 1936, 1328 F St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004
330-33121233Radio Four1927/11/158x10c/o Mr. Heathman216718
330-33121248Reeves, Miss M. R.1925/11/258x10 & 5x7Howard University38.922440-77.02109826746
330-33121263Rumbert, Mrs. Hattie1927/12/01B&W 1/2 cab2262 9th St. N.W.38.920894-77.02412226768
330-331DupRidgley, Mrs. Albert1927/12/028x10 Sepia10th & S. St. [NW]38.914098-77.02599326774
330-33121268Robinson, Miss M.B.1927/12/03B&W 7x10507 Que St. N.W.38.907236-77.01938226781Que Street = Q. St. N.W.
330-33121273Ruffin, Mr. N. W.1927/12/04cab on 8x10920 You St. N.W.38.9006818-77.024557026786You St. N.W. = U St. N.W.
330-33121282Robinson, Mr. David1927/12/05B&W 3x41000 O St. N.W.38.907120-77.02621426797
330-331CopyRoche, Mr. P.S.1927/12/064x61466 Fla. Ave. [NW]38.919336-77.03427726809Fla. Ave. = Florida Avenue
330-33121368Raymond, Mrs. I. M. baby1927/12/15Sepia 1/2619 B St. N.E.38.891704-76.99765826868B Street NW/NE renamed to Constitution Ave in 1931
330-33121375Robinson, Miss Alberta1927/12/16B&W 7x102301 N St.38.907469-77.05071026877
330-33121388Rayland, Mr. J. F.1927/12/18B&W 5x7H.U.38.922440-77.02109826893Howard University
330-33121393Reid, Miss Bernice1927/12/18B&W 1/2334 Van St.38.969926-77.01771826899
330-33121418Reeves, Mr. Wm K.1927/12/27C.S.1612 Corcoran St.38.911667-77.03740526935