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PagesPhoto #ClientDateColor/FormatLocationLatLongOrderNotes
244-24525770Luck, Mr. Waldo L.1932/11/21c.s.1823 12th St.38.914848-77.02782333155
244-24525775Langford, Miss E.H.1932/11/26B&W 7 x 10221 Ashland Pl. Brooklyn N.Y.40.688527-73.97807933162
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1932/12/038 x 1067 West 130th St. N.Y. City40.810833-73.94234433182
244-24525791Lyes, Mr. John E.1932/12/085 x 7 Special1602 7th St.38.911330-77.02213833202
244-24525796Lomax, Miss Edith1932/12/115 x 7 Easel1907 15th St.38.91621-77.03410533211
244-24522802Lloyd, Mrs Anton S.1932/12/13B&W 7 x 10Bethesda, Md. P.O. Box 7138.984652-77.09470933220
244-24524806Lewis, Mrs Robert (baby)1932/12/15cab special1738 Tea St. Apt 338.915368-77.03984533225
244-24525807Lee, Mr. Moy1932/12/15c.s.715 Tea St.38.915742-77.02206433226
244-245CopyLewis, Mrs Sarah E.1932/12/16B&W cab4 New Mill St. Nantucket Mass.41.279676-70.10420133231
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1932/12/208 x 1067 West 130th St. N.Y. City40.810833-73.94234433233
244-24525837Lloyd, Mrs. H.J. children1932/12/29Sepia cab1625 C St. S.E.38.885104-76.98147733265
244-245Lomax, Mr.1932/12/298 x 101402 S St.38.913886-77.0327833267
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1933/01/0267 West 130th St. N.Y. City40.810833-73.94234433275
244-24525847Lamb, Mr. J.W.1933/01/07cab.Whitelaw Hotel Apt. 30038.915317-77.02922333306
244-24525848Lee Mr. Stephen L.1933/01/07B&W 5 x 71240 K St. S.E.38.878562-76.98864833307
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1933/01/0767 West 130th St. New York City40.810833-73.942344
244-245Lichtman Theatre1933/01/148 x 10 unmountedPer. A.E. Lichtman38.915271-77.02110333319Lichtman Theatre - now the Howard Theatre - see
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1933/01/2967 West 130th St. N.Y. City40.810833-73.94234433359
244-245CopyLawson, Mrs. M.R.1933/02/135 x 71114 O St.N.W.38.908570-77.02719633385
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1933/02/1367 W. 130th St. N.Y.C.40.810833-73.942344
244-24525905Logan, Mr. Rayford1933/03/131/2 cab & squeege1539 9th St. N.W.38.910631-77.02374633446
244-245DupLife, Miss Christina1933/03/1567 W. 130th St.40.810833-73.94234433454
244-245CopyLark, Mrs. E.K.1933/03/185 x 7625 Acker St. N.E.38.896589-76.99748433463Acker Place
244-245CopyLemon, Miss M.1933/03/238 x 101519 Corcoran St.38.912060-77.03540433468
244-24525921Linder, Mr. A.C.1933/04/02C.S.1235 S. St. N.W.38.914269-77.02937033484
244-245ELake, Mrs. Lilly1933/04/088 x 101320 N. Gilmore St. Balt. Md.39.30363-76.64321733510N. Gilmor St.
244-245CopyLemmon, Miss M.1933/04/082 x 31519 Corcoran St.38.912060-77.03540433506
244-24525936Lindweld, Mr. Paul1933/04/09C.S.313 You St. N.W.38.916995-77.01647933515
244-245DupLewis, J.W.1933/04/251/2 cab on 4 x 61232 You St.38.866533-76.98786533565
244-245DupLofton, Mr1933/04/27C.S.H.U. Student Council38.922684-77.01943833572
244-24525968Lewis, Mr. Edmund1933/05/08C.S.5632 Blaine St. N.E.38.891370-76.92021833588
244-24525977Lee, Dr. & Mrs. group1933/05/185 x 733604
244-245CopyLane, Dr.1933/05/23Freedmen's Hospital38.91784-77.02086833620Now Howard University Hospital: Emergency Room, 2041 Georgia Ave NW #1-400
244-245CopyLightfoot, Mr. R.C.1933/06/035 x 72463 6th St. N.W.38.924632-77.02114333641