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[[encircled]] 19 [[/encircled]]

Southern Peru

May 31, 1966
Machu Picchu

Arrive hotel late afternoon. Find that my room is ca. 7800 ft according to my altimeter now.
Then go for a walk around ruins.
5:15 pm 7295 ft. Hear what sounds like {{Thalass?]] Song in sparse AS down hill.
[[left margin, red]] Thalass [[/left margin]]
Twitter along path, see two Orange-billed Saltators alone
This is all for today.

June 1, 1966
Machu Picchu

Going up path toward top of mountain.
Start out from hotel 5:15 a.m. Still dark. Quite a lot of fog around. But fog starts to lift almost immediately.
     5:35am. Hear first bird Songs. Andean Sparrows Just as it is starting to get light. Ca. 8100 ft. Soon followed by other bird sounds - unidentified. But Dawn Chorus is not very loud or varied. Presumably most species are not at the height of the breeding season.
     Lots of wren Songs. House Wren?
     First [[Diglonine?]] type Twitters heard, in distance, 8200 ft, ca. 5:48am
     Some more bird sound by 6:00am. Including a   lot of

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Transcription Notes:
Some things fixed.