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[[circled]] 21 [[/circled]

Fog getting very thick again 7:05 am. Then lifts again (presumably temporarily)

[[margin in red]] Scan [[/margin]]
8725 ft. Hear what sound like Scans in distance. Then one more burst Whitestart-like Song. NODWA but completely overlapped by Scan. 

[[margin in red]] Linea??? [[/margin]]
7:15. Catch brief glimpse of what appears to be [[underlined]] all-black [[/underlined]] (or all gray) [[Diglona?]]. 3 ft up sparse scrub. Silent. Definitely alone (Juv. [[underlined]] albilinea [[/underlined]]??????)

7:20. 8800 ft. See pair [[2 checkmarks above "pair"]] [[underlined]] PL Atlapetes [[/underlined]]! (This is a "new" subspecies, with which I am not familiar. Comparatively dark gray below Moustache not conspicuous.) Birds ranging 1 - 6 ft up in [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] mixed scrub. Silent. Definitely [[underlined]] alone [[/underlined]].

[[margin in red]] Cy?[[/margin]]
A few minutes later, in fog, hear what sounds like [[underlined]] Northern [[/underlined]] Cy Song. "Tsit-tsit" - Twitter. No terminal "seeeeeeee"s. Could this be Coer????
[[margin in red]] Core? [[/margin]]

[[margin in red]] Brun? [[/margin]]
Still later, see single [[checkmark above "single"]] [[Diglona ?]] (Brun?) 2 ft up in bush. Silhouetted against skyline. Definitely alone.

7:40 Some distance further on, see pair [[2 checkmarks above "pair"]] PL's  2 - 4 ft up in scrub. Possibly same birds seen earlier. (Still) silent and alone.

Only a few minutes later, 8890 ft, see same pair [[2 checkmarks above "pair"]]  PL's again 3 ft up scrub. And now there is a single [[underlined]] Delothraupis [[/underlined]] [[checkmark above "Delothraupis"; also circled number "2"]] (definite)with them. Only a couple of ft away. Also 3 ft up. All birds silent. All disappear immediately. Can't tell who is leading.

Then see group [[underlined]] 4 Th. cyanocephala [[/underlined]] [[4 checkmarks above "4"]] 40 ft away in small trees. [[underlined]] Very [[/underlined]] noisy. Apparently disputing among themselves. Apparently alone. Also disappear fairly soon.