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[[encircled]] 22 [[/encircled]]

Then see PL - [[underlined]] Delothraupis [[/underlined]] group again. All birds 2-5 ft up scrub. All still close together. [[underlined]] Definitely highly integrated. Delothraupis [[/underlined]] f ----> PL three times. Then I see that there is another bird with group. A single [[checkmark above "single"; also circled number 3]] CXIX There a [[female symbol]] [[checkmark above symbol]] or [[circled number 4 above "or"]] juv [[in margin, in red pencil]] Bari [[/margin note in red]] Bari (!) j ----> group. Then Bari files away. Nothing follows. Then a pair of Th. [[2 checkmarks above "Th."]] cyanocephala [[circled number 3 above "cyanocephala"]] j ----> group. Then a single [[in margin in red pencil]] Brun [[/margin note in red]] Brun [[checkmark above "Brun"; also circled number 6]] (definite) j ----> group. 

It certainly looks as if the [[underlined]] PL's formed the "original nucleus" of this mixed flock! [[/underlined]]

A minute later, see single Plush-capped [[checkmark above "Plush"]] Finch. Silent. Apparently alone. 40 ft away from group. 15 ft up in trees in which [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] dispute occurred earlier. 

[[in margin, in red pencil]] Cy [[/margin note in red]] 8:11 am. 8950 ft. Hear what may be another Cy Singing. Phrases "Tut tut tsut-sa-wheeeeee tsut-tsa-wheeeeeeeh." (The latter "triplets" sometimes repeated. NODWA. But completely overlapped by Scan in distance. 

8:22 A little further on, see another mixed flock. A pair of [[in margin, in red pencil]] CC [[/margin note in red]][[underlined]] Th. [[2 checkmarks above "Th."]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] [[encircled 1 above "cyanocephala"]] and a pair of CC's [[2 checkmarks above "CC's"; also circled number 2]] (definite) appear 10 - 15 ft second growth tree patch forest. Tanagers feeding on berries. CC's [[margin, in red pencil]] CC [[/margin note in red]] picking insects off leaves. Then these birds move on. A second later, single [[underlined]] Delothraupis [[/underlined]] [[encircled number 3 above]] appears same tree. And a single Blue & Black [[circled number 4 above "Black"]] appears in bush 10 ft away. All birds silent. These [[underlined]] Delothraupis [[/underlined]] and Blue & Black go off in same direction as CC's and [[underlined]] Th. cyanocephala [[/underlined]]. Group [[underlined]] probably [[/underlined]] highly integrated. 

Reach 9050 ft 8:40. Beginning of bare area right above patch [[nice ?]][[encircled]] AS-USTF [[/encircled]]. So I am going to sit here for a while to see