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minutes later. One chasing the other. Apparently hostile but silent. 

Leaving this area and starting back down west side mountain 5:25 pm. End of observations for today.

COMMENT: It may be worthwhile describing (or redescribing) the various areas here. 

[[circled]]1[[/circled]] The "hotel side" of the mountain-more or less W and NW. Very poor vegetation on the whole. Lots of grassy areas. Also [[underlined]]lots[[/underlined]] of bamboo and other thick but poor looking low scrub. But also some patches (along stream valleys) of quite good woods. Apparently [[circled]]AS-USTF[[/circled]] and USTF. Also occasional patches dense scrub, and scrub under trees. The forest there [[circled]]may[[/underlined]] not be quite as "good" as some of the forests in other parts of the Andes, e.g. Carpuh, the Western Cordillera of Columbia, the wet side of Purace`, and near the Paramo` de Zumbador. But it certainly is at least nearly so.

[[circled]]3[[/circled]]Looking at some of the adjacent mountains, I see that they have similar types of vegetation on their corresponding slopes. I.E. the differences probably are due to edaphic[[?]]-climate factors-not the hand of man.

NOTE: I think that the small ruins at the crest of the ridge where I worked this afternoon probably are not Huina^[~above the n}-Huayna itself. Latter probably in large village in ruins some distance further along. But the path I have been following certainly is the path to this village.