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[[encircled]] 28 [[/encircled]]

tops. Apparently alone. This is exactly where some species was seen yesterday afternoon. 

Birds in general noticeably quieter now. 

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]] 
7:28 8325 ft. Hear More Cy Song. NODWA Shuts up. A few minutes later, hear more Whitestart-like Song. NODWA. Stops. 

Go on along path considerably further than I  went yesterday afternoon. Reach spot above precipice near dam 7:40. Now going to retrace my steps. 

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]] 
7:48. A few hundred yards further on. Region mixed USTF and scrub. See definite mixed flock. Includes at least 2 Whitestarts (definite),1 Cy, 2 Blue & Blacks, [[underlined]] Th. cyanocephala [[/underlined]], possibly others. Quiet. Diffuse. Possibly not highly integrated. Whitestarts fly catching 3 - 25 ft up. Cy feeding peak flowers 10 - 20 ft up. Both [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] and Blue & Blacks stay high in tree-tops, 20 - 25 feet up. 

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]] 
ADDITIONS. Group also includes 4 or 5 Firebellies (2 jews), in tree-tops; 2 Whitestripes, ranging 6 - 20 ft up; 1 [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] type, probably [[underlined]] coronatus [[/underlined]], 6 ft up scrub; at least 1 PL Attapetes; at least 1 [[underlined]] Attapetes brunneinucha (sic!!!!) - Note: both Attapetes low in scrub, but [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] close together; at least 1 fly catcher; 1 "cotinga [[underlined]] CXIX"; 1 wren (species never seen before). I also can hear at least 1 wood creeper with group. Probably there are other birds around as well. Fly catcher ranging 6 - 15 ft up. "Cotinga" 6 ft up. Wren very low in scrub

Group is very diffuse indeed. Quiet most of time. But almost all species utter some loud sounds occassionally. Whitestarts Sing NO