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[[circled]] 39 [[/circled]]

6:10 am. 8550 ft. Got very poor view mixed flock top AS trees. Includes at least ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 [[underline]] Th. ^[[circled 1 above]] cyanocephala [[/underline]], ^[[one check mark above]] 1 ^[[circled 2 above]] Blue & black, ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 ^[[circled 3 above]] Whitestart, ^[[5 check marks above]] 5 or 6 other birds of ^[[circled 4 above]] 2 ^[[circled 5 above]] or 3 other species. Highly integrated.  Going down hill. Moderately noisy. Whitestart sings occasionally. NODWA.

Everything is dead quiet 6:35am.

6:41. 8425 ft. See a single ^[[1 check mark above]] Synallaxis (gray body, rufous cap, wings, and tail) in bamboo scrub.  Apparently alone. 

CORRECTION: There also is a pair of ^[[2 check marks above]] P2's, 10 ft away same scrub  Probably forming loose "flock" with Synallaxis.  All birds quite silent
6:54 8390 ft. See single [[underline]] ^[[1 check mark above]] Atlapetes ^[[circled 1 above]] brunneinucha [[/underline]]. On ground of path. Near covey ^[[4 check marks above]] 4-5 ^[[circled 5 above]] quail!!! Do I call this mixed flock? I think so. (Probably the finch approached the quail.)

Then quail fly off into adjacent scrub. Quite noisy (obviously alarmed by me) at first. Then I see that there is a ^[[1 check mark, circled 3 above]] Whitestart, a ^[[1 check mark, circled 4 above]] wren (usual species), a ^[[1 check mark, circled 5 above]] thrush, and probably a ^[[2 check marks, circled 6 above]] couple of other small birds, near the quail!!!

Sun reaches this area 7:01 a.m.

Going back up path.  8475 ft.  See pair ^[[2 check marks above]] PL's low in mixed scrub.  Some ^[[1 check mark above]] Synallaxis type (still) with them.  This probably is same group seen earlier this morning. I.E. it is well integrated.

7:50 8500 ft.  See mixed flock downhill. USTF edge old slide.  Includes at least ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 Whitestarts, ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 Whitestripe, ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 bird of another species (probably cotinga XIX).  Probably others.  

8:07. 8600 ft.  See ^[[1 check mark above]] single Ruddy Flycatcher 10 ft up AS edge path.  Apparently alone.  CORRECTION: There is a ^[[2 check marks above]] pair of "BCBT"s (us