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[[circle]] 51 [[/circle]]

Could it be significant that both regions are relatively [[underline]] very [[/underline]] humid but still do not extensive areas of habitats for the relevant birds (because the western cordillera is too low on the whole because the slopes of the mountains are too steep and rocky in the south of Peru)?

May 20, 1972
Machu Picchu


[[margin in red]] Cy Cy Thalass [[/margin]]
6:30 a.m.  E side crest pass. See mixed flock.  Includes 1 or 2 Cys, 2 PL's, at least one large flycatcher, 2 Blue and Black (local form seems to have light patch on crown), 2 Basileuterus -- or Hermspringers - types (White stripes?), 1 Whitestart (heard but not seen), probably others.  All (even PL's) 10 - 20 ft up in tree with cup shaped pink flowers.  Cy getting nectar, also gleaning.  Most of the others also gleaning.  PL's and Blue & Blacks probably tating buds and flowers.  Cy Sings frequently.  Overlapped by neighboring Thalass's but nothing else.  During pauce by Cy, Whitestart sings briefly.  Overlapped only by Thalass's.  Stops.  Cy Sings again as before.  The group, apparently moving as an integrated unit, goes down into scrub.  Last to view (fog is getting thick now), but still audible 6:46 a.m.

A few minutes later, see group again.  Much as before, but no Singing.  See Whitestart this time.  Group also includes a Sooty Thrush for a time.  The thrush flies away.  Nobody follows.  Most of the birds are ranging thru many levels of vegetat-