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[[circled]] 52 [[/circled]]

ion. 3 - 20 ft up. Gradually going uphill. Definitely integrated.

NOTE: Fog is only on this side of mountain. The hotel side is quite clear.

Fog lifting 7:05

[[margin in red]] Cy Thalass [[/margin]]
More Cy Songs, all overlapped by Thalass. Again & again.

Starting down path E side, 7:15.

7:35. NOt too far down path. See single Blue & Black 15 ft up tree. Can't tell if there are other birds around or not.

Then Plush-cap crosses road 30 ft away.  Plunges into low mixed bamboo scrub. Apparently alone.

A few moments later, see Whitestart where Blue & Black was. Is the flock seen earlier moving along with me? Probably yes. Now I can hear Cy Songs. All overlapped by Thalass.

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
7:45. See 1 or 2 Slate-throated Whitestarts down hill edge slide. (NOTE: All the Whitestarts seen and heard earlier this trip were definitely the yellow-faced, high altitude, species, [[underlined]] ormatus [[/underlined]] or whatever it is.  For convenience, I will restrict the term "whitestart" to this species alone. Calling the other just plain "Slate-throat".) These Slate-throats seem to be on edge of flock. Possibly still the same flock as before. Includes both Whitestart and Cy. Both Whitestart and Cy Sing repeatedly, [[underlined]] never [[/underlined]] overlapping one another; but both are overlapped by Thalass's, apparently at random. The Cy feeds on same species of pink cup shaped flowers as earlier.

8:15 Go onto USTF area. Very silent

[[margin in red]] Cy Thalass [[/margin]]
8:28 Hear more Cy Songs overlapped by Thalass. Sounds as if the Cy might be in a mixed flock.

Turn back at usual place 8:35.