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[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]  [[circled]] 45 [[/circled]]

Get to new area, base of path to Cillutincara, 11,100 ft Rain still continuing

Getting lighter 7:55 am. Going to try walking again

Come across mixed group in tree. Including at least ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 ^[[circled 1 above]] Firebelly, at least ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 ^[[circled 2 above]] Orange-head (XL), and at ^[[circled 3 above]] least ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 Basileuterus warbler, presumably XLI. Also one [[underlined]] ^[[1 check mark, circled 4 above]] Altapetes [[/underlined]] with rufous crown. Didn't see the latter very well. Looked as if it might be a PL type; but perhaps more likely to have been a [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] type (XXXVIII). Members of the group scatter, probably as a reaction to me. They do not all move together in the same direction. [[underlined]] Altapetes [[/underlined]] and Fire-belly just disappear. Orange-head and [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] XLI stick around, flitting from bush to bush in an erratic manner. Impossible to determine who is leading whom.

This group may have been a semi-fortuitous assemblage. Gathered in tree only to get out of rain.

ADDITION: There was also one Black Thrush in a bush close to the tree when I first saw the group. It left immediately.

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
About 100 yards away, come across ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 CC's. One feeding by probing dead flower heads. Uttering "Twit" CN's at irregular intervals

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
Then, only a few yards further on, catch brief glimpse of what may have been a single [[underlined]] ^[[1 check mark above]] mystacalis [[/underlined]]. Unfortunately flew away before I could be more of its identity. Apparently alone. Low inside scrub about 2 ft above ground.

8:45 am. Come across what is probably the same mixed flock seen earlier this morning. At least 100 yards from previous site. Now includes at least ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 ^[[circled 1 above]] Fire-bellies, at least ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 ^[[circled 2 above]] Altapetes (definitely [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] XXXVIII), at least ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 ^[[circled 3 above]] Orange-heads, and ^[[2 check marks above]] 1-3 [[underlined]] ^[[circled 4 above]] Basileut [[/underlined]]