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[[circled ]] 8 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 46 [[/circled]]

erus XLI warblers. Flock stays more or less together for approximately 15 minutes. Moves approximately 100 yards in this period. Movements of all members erratic. Flock [[underline]] not [[/underlined]] very coherent as a whole. Both Fire-bellies and Altapetes occasionally stray some distance away from other members of the group. Difficult to tell who is leading whom. Probably the Orange-heads and/or the [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] most of the time. But [[underlined]] certainly not [[/underlined]] always.

1 Fire-belly j ->

1 Altapetes j ->

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
One ^[[1 check mark above]] Brun (^[[circled 5 above]] sic!) was associated with this flock, near the front, for a few records, but then disappeared from view

Walking further along, I find a group of 2 or 3 [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] XLI above.

Still further on, a single ^[[2 check marks above]] Fire-belly alone. I watch this bird for approximately 5 minutes. Eventually it is joined and followed, probably briefly, by a single [[underlined]] ^[[1 check mark above]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] XXXVIII.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]] 
Then I suddenly hear a short burst of Diglossa song. Sounds like short Pect song. Look up to find a single [[underlined]] ^[[1 check mark above]] mystacalis [[/underlined]] ("Myst") feeding on pink cup-shaped flowers in tree 20-25 ft above ground. Uttering "Twit" CN's while feeding. Does not sing again while I watch it.

General proportions quite like Pect. Head relatively large. Moustache stripe broad & conspicuous.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]] 
The Firebelly and the Myst are about 50 ft apart at this time. Apparently ignore one another. Then the Firebelly moves on. A few moments later, a pair of ^[[2 check marks above]] White-starts (XXXIX) appears in same area. Apparently alone. Again, both the Whitestarts and the