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Arrive nr. area where Myst was found yesterday 6:15 am. Both rain and fog!

Think I may hear Brun in distance.

One thing I forgot to say yesterday. With one exception, i.e. the Basileuterus XLI, all the tanagers, warblers, honey creepers, and finches around here are relatively very quiet. I have, for instance, heard only 5 or 6 songs (of the "Ta-auh" type?)by Fire-bellies. This is an indication that they are all or almost all non-breeding now.

6:20 Can hear one of the Orange & Black striped presumed furnariids (XLIII) singing as yesterday.

The Myst is not visible when I get to the tree where I saw it yesterday.

7:00 am. Come across a mixed flock. Includes 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]] or 3 ^[[1 circled above]] Fire-bellies, 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]] [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] ^[[2 circled above]]-types, and at least 1 ^[[1 black check mark above]](probably ^[[3 circled above]] 2 or 3) of the Basileuterus XLI warblers. Firebellies feeding (on insects?) in trees 15 ft above ground and in scrub down to 1 or 2 ft above ground. [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] feeding in scrub 3 - 10 ft above ground. Basileuterus seen in scrub and trees 5 - 10 ft above ground. [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] apparently quite silent (but I was too far away to be sure that they weren't uttering CN's). The Basileuterus uttered an appreciable number of their usual rattling calls. And the Fire-bellies were also quite noisy. Uttered quite a lot of "Seeeeeet" notes, a few "Tuk"s, and an appreciable number of "twitter"s. (See today's notes on [[underlined]] Poecilothraupis [[/underlined]]) As far as I could tell, the Firebellies were the leaders of this group. They were [[underlined]]certainly [[/underlined]] joined and followed by the [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]]. And the Basileuterus  certainly joined the combined Firebelly-[[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] group at least once.