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[[circled]] 14 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 52 [[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
Individual apparently quite silent when feeding. [[underlined]] Absolutely ignores ^[[1 check mark above]] Fire-belly [[/underlined]] flying by only a few feet away.

Some minutes later, in another area, come across a mixed flock. Composed of ^[[4 check marks above]] 4 or 5 large blue and yellow tanagers (XLIV), ^[[1 check mark above]] one Firebelly, and ^[[1 check mark above]] one Brun.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
The XLIV's fly from bush to bush and site to site quite rapidly. Tend to stick close together. Sometimes approximately 30 to 40 feet apart; but usually less. In low scrub, 2 to 10 ft above ground, most of the time. Apparently feeding. Also visit ground in grassy areas interspersed thru scrub Apparently feeding there also. [[underlined]] Quite noisy [[/underlined]]. One or more of the birds uttering high pitched, rather plaintive "Ta-zeeeeeeee zuh-zuh-zuh" calls at fairly frequent intervals. (There may be some variation in these calls. Possibly only 1 or 2 terminal notes in some cases.)

These XLIV's obviously passive nuclear. Both the Brun and the Firebelly followed and joined at least one of the XLIV's two or more times (The Brun and Firebelly did not join and follow simultaneously.) The Firebelly appeared to move and feed in exactly the same spots as the XLIV's. Also visited ground. The Brun remained in low scrub, without going down to the ground.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
The firebelly was certainly silent all the time it was with the flock. The Brun was either silent or uttered CN's which I couldn't hear. No song. No other indication of hostility.

The whole mixed flock was very coherent. Both the Brun and the Firebelly kept right up with the XLIV's. Sometimes in front of the rearmost XLIV's. But apparently never in