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[[circled 29]] [[/circled]] [[circled]] 67 [[/circled]]

ld certainly have expected more activity. Perhaps the absence of such activity is another indication that the birds here are not breeding yet.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
4:26. See first ^[[1 check mark above]] Myst ("A" bird) feeding on pink flowers in same tree as three days ago. Silent. Disappears immediately.

[[margin in red]] Myst? [[/margin]]
4:35. Hear what I think is the second Myst ("B") singing Three bursts. In dense high scrub. Not far from where I saw it the day before yesterday, but somewhat farther from the Carbo (and the Brun).

[[margin in red]] Carbo? [[/margin]]
4:55. Hear a very brief snatch of what may be the Carbo singing. Near where it was feeding.

5:50. Come across a mixed flock. Including one ^[[1 check mark above]] Orange head and ^[[3 check marks above]] 3 Black & Orange stripes. In thick bamboo scrub. Difficult to tell who could have been leading, because the Black & Orange Stripes started to "mob" me. The Orange hear certainly joined the Bl. & Or. Stripes once.

A White-^[[1 check mark above]]throated Thrush was apparently attracted by the mobbing notes of the Bl. & Or Stripes (hard "Tik"s)

Catch glimpses of same flock a few minutes later. They have stopped uttering "mobbing" notes. Some or all uttering lots of "Seee" or "Seeeet" Notes. Quite noisy in general. All very well hidden in scrub Orange-head following?

[[margin in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
Another few minutes, and I come across another, and much larger, mixed flock. Includes ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 ^[[circled 1 above]] Firebellies, 1 ^[[1 check mark, circled 2 above]] Montane GMT, 1 ^[[1 check mark, circled 3 above]] Whitestart XXXIX, at least one of what I presume is [[underlined]] Conirostrum ^[[circled 4, 1 check mark above]]ferrugineiventre [[/underlined]] ("Ferru" ^in red [[^change-Black check]]) XLVI, at least one of the local form of [[underlined]] C. ^[[circled 5, 1 check mark above]] sitticolor [[/underlined]] ("Sittiz"). Also several other ^[[2 check marks, circled 6]] small birds. One or more of the members of the flock was uttering rattles. So I think that one or more of the birds was (were) [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]]