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[[circled]]35[[/circled]] [[circled]]73[[/circled]]

4:25. Come across group of 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]] Firebellies and 1 ^[[1 black check mark above]] Montane GMT feeding in tree about 15 ft above ground. In area of fairly open scrub All birds quiet. Firebellies go in one direction. The Montane GMT [[underlined]] in the other [[/underlined]].

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
ADDITION: The Myst with the first mixed flock seen this afternoon was almost certainly the A bird.

4:40 pm. Nothing in the tree where the B Myst and the Carbo fed a couple of days ago.

NOTE: I am making a record of every time I see a species which is likely to become associated with mixed flocks, whether or not it is alone or in a flock at the time.

4:50. Fog very thick and continuous. Rain stopped.

5:02. Came across a ^[[1 check mark above]] single Firebelly in low open scrub. Uttering PN-type notes, but [[underlined]] definitely not [[/underlined]] accompanied by anything else.

Leaving 5:15, as I can't see anything and nothing seems to be moving anyhow.

After working here several days, I have the definite impression that light rain and/or fog (or intermittent rain or fog) stimulate most of the local birds to become active (and form mixed flocks). Both heavy, steady rain and/or fog, and the complete absence of rain and fog, seem to depress activity.

October 21,1963
Near Unduavi

Going to work in Myst area again this morning. Arrive 5:35. Perfectly clear morning!!! Starting to get light.