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[[circled]] 37 [[/circled]]] [[circled]] 75 [[/circled]]

[[two bell curve hand drawings]] Bird flies off 5:55. Apparently to join mate down hill.

This seemed quite high uttering. Perhaps Firebellies are beginning to breed.

Bird is quite vocal after going down hill. But I can't hear it well enough to analyze the calls.

A Myst has not appeared or sung yet 6:00 am. I have been watching its favorite pink flowered tree. Then hear it, quite far uphill, 6:01. One long song phrase.

I have heard lots of Basileuterus-like rattles from the beginning this morning, without being able to see the birds.

6:05. Single Bl  ^[[1 black check mark above]] & Or. stripe singing steadily for minutes on end. "Tsuh tsee tsuh tsee tsuh tsee tsuh tsee tsuh tsee......" with occasional single extra "tsee"s interjected. Bird sings this from a variety of perches, all high & exposed top of bushes dense scrub. From apparently unritualized poslures. All of the notes after the DC are buzzy, but not enough so to say that they have rattle undertone.

Same bird still continuing 6:14. Now interjecting occasional extra "Tsuh" as well. Doesn't stop when pair of fire bellies pass by. Unfortunately can't see bird now. Finally stops 6:18.

6:20. Hear what sounds like Myst song far down hill from A Myst area.

6:25. Come across a single [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] in low scrub. Alone. Uttering CN's CORRECTION: It is a pair. And one bird utters repeated songs when only a few feet from its mate. "Ta wheeoo whew" phrases.

Then I can hear what is almost certainly another [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] some distance away. Utters "Ta whew whew whew" phrases