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1 case of Bauleuterus j [arrow pointed left]

Once the Whitestart made a long flight from tree to tree. [[underlined]]Everybody[[/underlined]] (including the Fire belly) followed! Then, a few minutes later, the flock as a whole went off in one direction, while the Whitestart went in another. this time nobody followed the Whitestart!

Again this flock gave the impression of being all followers and no leaders.

[[margin in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
The Setticy[[?]] was never near the front of the flock.

Most of the birds were quiet. Only CN's. But the Whitestart sang repeatedly at regular intervals. Song [[underline]]very[[/underline]] diglossine. Consisted of 2 or more identical phrases. Each phrase conuieca[[?]]:
"Tsa tsa tsa wee ^[drawing of rising and lowering scale]"

This flock was near the 50 KM marker. May well be largely the same flock in which I rdy[[?]] Ferru & Sitty[[?]] before.

Other Whitestarts still singing 9:05 am.

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
9:10. Hear one burst of what sounds like Carbo "Tazee" type song. In area of dense heavy vegetation, not far from where the Carbo was seen a few days ago.

9:20. Still no sign of either Myst. It certainly looks as if they can't stand sun or heat!

9:28. Pair of Firebellies ^[2 black check marks above] fly overhead Uttering "Seeeeeet"s. Alone.

I forgot to mention that one of the Orange heads in one of the mixed flocks observed this morning uttered loud "Zeet" Notes. CN's?

Leaving 9:33.

As a result of this morning's observations, I think that the Coral Whitestart (XXXIX) and the Bl & Or Stripe are probably breedi