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ng (See also Niethammer's notes on [[underlined]]Bauleuterus tristriatus[[/underline]])

[[margin in red]] general [[/margin]]
Possibly the Bauleuterus XLI and the Fire bellies are also. But the Diglonnas in this area certainly are [[underlined]] not[[/underlined]]. 

NOTE: the "Blue Tanagers" seen below Quito (p. 62), according to Niethammer, are really [[underlined]] Theraupes[[?]] sayaca[[?]][[/underlined]].

October 22, 1963
Above Unduavi[[?]]

Working same place as yesterday. Arrive 5:41. Clear, but it looks as if clouds are coming up rapidly.

Dawn chorus moderate when we arrive. At least 2 thrushes singing like bird heard yesterday. One of them certainly the same bird.

No sound from A Myst.

The singing thrush certainly has yellow or orange eye ring. But it doesn't seem to have white throat. looks like Brown except for eye ring.

5:50. Lots of rattles which sound like Basileuterus [[?]]XLI but I can't see the birds. Also lots of f[[?]] rattles.

5:55. Hear one song phrase that sounds like [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]].

6:00 am. Hear a few more [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]]-like phrases down hill. then a lot of songs that are probably a Whitestart.

Whitestarts are usually or always semi-hidden when singing. Not on top of trees and bushes.

6:07 Hear Bl&Or Stripe singing. Not same bird as yesterday.

Oh Dear! 6:10. Come across a single Whitestart singing