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8:30. An apparently single Whitestart ^[[1 back check mark above]] still singing quite frequently. Myst like songs. Unfortunately can't see bird.

Then see it feeding. Has quite a lot of yellow above eye. But black streak thru eye across cheek reaches back to black on rear of head. Comme ca.

^[[image - sketch of side view of bird]]

There see bird actually singing. CR during songs. Definitely Myst like song (the kind without twitter)

So I am fairly certain there is only 1 species of [[underlined]] Myroborus [[/underlined]] here. Possibly with considerable individual variation. 

8:40 Now I see that there is a single Firebelly ^[[1 black check mark above]] in tree with Whitestart ^[[1 black check mark above]]. Don't know who joined who.

This species of Whitestart does less spectacular fly catching than any other species with which I am familiar. Most of the time feeds like Bauleuterus or Corwrortrum[[?]]. Searching & probing. When it does make a fly catching flight, the flight is apparently always short. Little or no visible "Sallying." I.E. when it does catch an insect in air, it often fails to return to the same perch from which it left.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
8:50. Whitestart sings Myst-like song up hill above or on edge of A Myst area. This brings A Myst [[underlined]]flying up hill[[/underlined]], half way to where Whitestart is! Then Myst disappears in scrub. I.E. it looks as if the Myst thought that the Whitestart's song was Myst-like Too!!!

Can the Whitestart and the Myst here "afford" to have similar