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10,200 ft. Still dark, as fog is coming up. But fog is still above us, not down near ground.

Quite a lot of dawn chorus when we arrive, but nothing I recognize. Probably thrushes to a large extent. Still nothing familiar.

5:52. Still too dark to see.
No trace of Bauleuterus XLI rattles. Or Firebelly song. Possibly a little [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]] song. Probably same individual seen with the CC a few days ago.

6:02. Still no view of anything in bushes. Dawn chorus greatly reduced.
All the scrub around here may well be second growth.

6:10 More songs by presumed [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]]. Different bird.

6:12. See single [[underlined Buthraupes[[?]] ^[[1 black check mark above]][[/underlined]] in trees along stream. Uttering usual type notes. Then another^[[1 black check mark above]], same trees. Undoubtedly pair seen before. Apparently alone. Yes. Fly far up hill. Not followed by anything.

Veg[[?]] has gone 6:18

Then hear what [[underlined]]does[[/underlined]] sound like Firebelly. Can't see the bird.

See pair of thrushes. Brown? Alone

See single Buthraupes[[?]] back. Alone. then joined by mate. Both feeding in trees along stream, 30 ft above ground.

First presumed [[underlined]]rufinucha[[/underlined]] still singing as before 6:37.

6:45 Pair of [[underlined]]rufinucha[[/underlined]] ^[[2 black check marks above]] moving thru low open scrub Apparently alone.

6:55 Come across group of birds in dense scrub. Probably 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]] or 3 Omisa[[?[[ Orange head. The other(s) may be too. Uttering "Zeet" Notes. One or more of the birds also uttering twitters which sound very much like those of the Firebellies up above, but slightly more metallic, I think. Prob