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ably also rattles.

At the same time I see these birds, I also see a pair of Firebellies across the road, 50 ^[[2 black check marks above]]ft away, in trees. Uttering PN's. The two groups apparently quite separate.

There is a single Whitestart ^[[1 black check mark above]]. Same species as above. XXXIX Alone. Feeding and singing in small trees. Song very diglonnius of the type including a lot of ^[[hand drawn line in various plateau shapes]]

See same pair of Firebellies 7:12. Still alone.

There are really at least 3 ^[[2 black check marks above]] Whitestarts around. Flying about. Apparently hostile chasing, with lots of hard loud "Tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu......"

See a single Bauleuterus ^[[1 black check mark above]] going thru scrub. Alone. Low, only a few inches above ground. Looks like XLI, except that crown is dusky, not black, even in front. I shall call this bird XLVIII. Utters a few rattles [[underlined]] quite like those of XLI [[/underlined]] Are they really the same species?

See same bird a few minutes later. And now realize that it is accompanied by its mate.

[[margin in red]] Brun? [[/margin]]

7:30. See single Diglona, ^[[1 black check mark above]] presumably Brun, feeding on tubular red flowers where Brun was seen feeding a couple of days ago.

It certainly looks as if the birds here are [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] forming mixed flocks. why? Breeding? Or not enough species capable of functioning as a passive nuclear?

7:34. See single [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]] ^[[1 black check mark above]] again. In low open scrub. Alone

7:40. Go on down hill, to site 9800 ft. Pair ^[[2 black check marks above]] of Firebellies flitting about in low scattered scrub & isolated trees.  [[underlined]] Very [[/underlined]] noisy. Quite as noisy as Quito birds. Variety of calls. Rattle and other peculiar things. Lots of PN's.