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Nothing like DC heard yet 5:52

Staying near area where Orange head was seen carrying n.m. yesterday.

5:56. Something singing husky " Seee seee seee seee....." uphill. Still far too dark to see.

Possibly several birds are uttering this "DC". Still continuing 6:04

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
6:05. See what [[underlined]]may[[/underlined]] be an aerial display ("song"0 flight by Brun with R instead of twitter.

6:11 Pair of Whitestarts fly by. Alone.
"DC" stopped some minutes ago. I never got a glimpse of the bird uttering it.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Several Bruns singing quite vigorously 6:15 am. All song phrases rapid series many notes. Apparently pure twitter, without any R components distinctly set off from the rest.

6:21. Hear first Whitestart song.

[[margin in red]] Brun? [[/margin]]
6:25. Another "song" flight with R alone. Still cant tell if it is really Brun doing this or not.

6:26 See a single [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]]^[[1 black check mark above]]. Alone.

6:30 See same [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]]. Still alone. Perches in top of tree 20 ft above ground. Utters about 5 very [[underlined]] Diglossa [[/underlined]]-like song phrases "Tazee tazee tazee tazee." Possibly, in some cases, with brief twitter at end?

6:35. Finally see Orange ^[[1 black check mark above]] head. Alone. In low scrub. Apparently feeding on insects. Utters "Zeeet" Notes. Possible also soft R's when landing.

Then see pair of [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]]^[[1 black check mark above]]. Alone