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ing "Zeeet CN's. Almost certainly Rattles.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Get way more glimpses ^[[3 black check marks above]]of Bruns. Sometimes single birds; sometimes apparently pairs. Rather quiet now. But some twittering songs occasionally. Always apparently alone.

8:55 am. Come across a single [[underline]]Atlapetes[[/underlined]]^[[1 black check mark above]], apparently [[underlined]]torquatus[[/underlines]] ssp (probably [[underlined]] nigrifrons [[/underlined]]). In thick, low, second-growth scrub, on edge of garden, 50 - 100 ft below where I have been working previously. the bird looked quite like the Quito birds, except that the white on its breast and belly was a little more conspicuous. Possibly also a more conspicuous black border at the bottom of its white throat. Bird uttered loud "Tsit"s. AlCN's. Accelerated when it flew away.

Rain starting hard again 9:05.

9:06. See pair of [[underlined]]cyanocephala[[/underlined]]^[[2 black check marks above]] again. Noisy. But alone. I am now convinced that there are only 2 birds of this species here. Mated to one another. Ranging over whole area. Not always together; but usually so. 

See the same pair ^[[2 black check marks above]] of Orange-heads (including the nest-building bird) again. I shall call this pair "A". Alone.

Leaving 9:15 am. Rain pouring down.

I was very pleased to see that there were  [underlined]]no[[/underlined]] mixed flocks here today, [[underlined]]in spite of the atrocious weather [[/underlined]].

[[margin in red]] General [[/margin]]
There is one very peculiar feature of [[underlined]]all[[/underlined]] the tanagers, honey creepers, warblers, and bush-finches in this one peculiar area. Among them all, they have only a very small range of sounds. I.E.: conventional CN's, rattles, formless twitters, a variety of "Zeee" type notes, and "Ta zee ta zee ta zee" type song phrases. Almost as if the whole group had been "homogenized." Why????