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[[circled]] 99 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 59  [[/circled]]

Both A Orangeheads feeding close together in low scrub.  One long decelerating R as "greeting" 6:35.  Otherwise silent.  Feeding by picking insects off leaves.  Then one bird disappears.  Other continues feeding.  Utters brief R when landing by itself.  Then starts to utter a few "Zeet" notes.  Then utters long R when landing after relatively long flight.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
One Brun chases another.  Chase apparently accompanied by [[underline]] very [[/underline]] soft "Zhaa zhaa zhaa."

Both Bruns and Whitestarts still singing occasionally 6:50.  No overlap.

See song flight.  Possibly by Brun (again couldn't definitely identify bird).  I think that this was accompanied by mechanical sounding "Zeewee zeewee ...." type song.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
7:03.  See a single Bauleuterus moving thru low dense scrub.   Possibly new species.  Number XLIX.  Seleut.  Definitely alone 

7:12  Single A Orangehead carrying n m. to mit rite again.  Seleut. Then back with more n m.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Brun still singing occasionally 7:28.  Songs perhaps a little more apparently [[fomulers?]] than earlier in the morning, but basic "Zeewee zeewee" structure is still recognizable.

Whitestarts also still singing occasionally.  Not overlapping with the Bruns.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
One Brun makes a flycatching flight.

7:35 I think that Brun song may be increasing in frequency again  The typical carbonaria up mid-morning peak?

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Have now heard several Bruns utter several more landing and/or greeting calls.  May seem to take the form of more or less abbreviated and/or m