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[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]

A [[female symbol]] Orange head still building 7:45. Apparently not accompanied by [[male symbol]]

Now I see that the [[male symbol]][[underlined]]is[[/underlined] more or less associated with [[female symbol]]. Feeding in bushes and trees in area where she is collecting n.m. (across the road from the nest-site) Sometimes follows her [[underlined]]part[[/underlined]] way to the nest when she carries n.m. to it. Both birds largely quiet. Occasionally "Zeeet" Notes. [[female symbol]] sometimes utters usual "R"s is "Greeting" when returning from carrying n.m. to nest.

Surprisingly enough the [[male symbol]] Orange head does [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]]sing while the [[male symbol]] is away. this seems to be one of the most distinctive features of the species.

8:00 am. A possible case of the [[male symbol]] feeding with the [[female symbol]]

The A ^[[2 black check marks above]] Orange heads continue like this for some time and then go away.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]] 
8:30. come across an unusually large group of birds in a relatively small area of second growth scrub. 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]][[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]], 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]]^[numeral 2 circled above]][[underlined]]rufunucha [[/underlined]], at least 1 ^[[1 black check mark above]] Brun ^[[numeral 3 circled above]] (probably more), at least 1 ^[[1 black check mark above]]Orange head ^[[numeral 4 circled above]] (probably 2-but not the A's), and a pair of small ^[[numeral 5 circled above]] largely [2 black check marks above]]rufous, fly catchers (look like same genus as common Chiriqui form). All quite noisy. Looks like the beginning of a mixed flock. All "milling about". But then group just dissolves, members scattering in all directions.

9:00 am. A Pair ^[[2 black check marks above]] of Orange heads fly by. ^[[female symbol]] in front, carrying n.m. One of both utter "Zeeeee zeeee zeeeee....." in flight. Then both land in bush. R as "Greeting".

9:10. See definitely single [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] ^[[1 black check mark above]] flying from bush to bush