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and tree to tree. Utters songs from each bush and tree. All songs are "Zawee zawee zawee" phrases. Sometimes brief formless twitter before first "Zawee".

Leaving 9:15 am.
I am pleased to say that there were absolutely no indications of mixed flocks around here today either. The nearest thing to an exception was the group described above on p.98. And this certainly was not an organized group. As far as I could tell, all the birds observed this morning went about their own business without paying any obvious attention to individuals of other species.

October 26, 1963
Below Unduavi

Working same area again this morning.
Arrive 5:45 am. Light cloud in sky but no fog or rain. Still fairly dark

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Can hear Bruns singing as soon as we arrive. Apparently several birds. Widely overlapping.

DC also going as yesterday. Overlapping Bruns. DCing bird going back & forth between the same 2 trees as yesterday.

DC gradually gets softer and softer after 5:57. Brun songs continuing SC stops 6:03 (Could this DC be uttered by Whitestart ?????? Perhaps more probably by small rufous fly catcher.)

First Diglona-like Whitestart songs heard 6:10 Not overlapping Bruns

First A Orange ^[[1 black check mark above]] head shows up 6:10. Probably [[male symbol]](one of his wings