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[[circled]]62[[/circled]] [[circled]]100[[/circled]]

droops a little. Lands with long loud R

^[[hand drawn even zigzag line followed by 7 ^]]

Last "^"s are really "Tsit"s. Then hops around in bushes and trees. Occasionally uttering single, soft, "Tsit"s. There seem to be the "real" CN's of the species. CN's of the species. What are "Zeet"s then? Higher intensity? Al CN's?

See single [[underlined]]Atlapetes rufinucha [[/underlined]]^[[1 check mark above]]. Low scrub. Alone. 6:17. Uttering "Tsit"s. Then hops up into tree. Sings. As yesterday.

Both A Orange ^[[1 check mark above]]heads around. Uttering "Tsit"s and "Zeet"s and intermediates. Possibly also louder notes (see below). Land together with R Greeting: (Forgot to add that the ^[[male symbol]], when he was alone--after his one loud R described above-sometimes uttered soft R's as landing calls after short flights.)

[[female symbol]] Orange head carrying n m.[[?]] Followed closely by ^[[male symbol]]. One or both utter(s) soft R's as Greeting or Landing call.

Both A Orange heads flying from tree to tree, picking insects off leaves 6:30 ^[[1 check mark above]]. Utter PN-like "Zeeeee zeeeee...." Notes in flight. Also loud R's as Greetings on landing. Apparently silent while actually feeding.

[[margin in red]] Brun??? [[/margin]]
6:40. Perceived Brun ^[[1 check mark above]] does long high song flight with quite variable twittering song. (As near really formless twittering as I have ever heard among these birds.)

There was a copulation ^[[2 check marks above]] among the [[underlined]]cyanocephala[[/underlined]] today. See today's notes on [[underlined]] Thraupus [[/underlined]].

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
6:45. Both Bruns and Whitestarts are still singing occasionally. Little or no overlap. It is my impression, in fact, that there has been little or no overlap between songs of the 2 species at any time this morn-