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ing. Possibly partly because Bruns seem to have sung less today that yesterday.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
6:55. Hear several vocalizations by Bruns which seem to be eventually rapid twitters used as Landing and/or Greeting Calls. Notice one thing about these calls (and I think that it was also characteristic of similar calls heard yesterday) They frequently decelerate, just at the very end, so that they may end with a "Zaza"-just like the typical R-Zaza's of other populations.

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
7:10. Guess what? A Cy shows up. SEE TODAY'S NOTES ON MIXED DIGLOSSINI

7:30. See a single Orange ^[[1 black check mark above]] head further down road. Definitely [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] an A. Feeding on insects or leaves in area of low open scrub.

There is a long & noisy boundary dispute between 2 ^[[2 black check marks separated by a space and then 2 more black check marks above ]] pairs of [[underlined]]cyanocephla[[/underlined]] (see notes on Thrauysis[[?]])

This attracts at least 2 flycatchers (species unknown) and a [[underlined]]Cy[[/underlined]]^[[1 black check mark above]] (probably same individual seen before). These fly up through the breeches toward the [[underlined]]cyanocephlas[[/underlined]]; but then disappear. Apparently leave as soon as they discover what all the fuss is about.

NOTE: 8:10. There is apparently single Orange head here, in one of the trees from which the "DC comes at dawn. Sitting in sun. Preening. Then goes to feed. Starts to utter "Zeet" Notes. After a minute or so I can hear another bird uttering similar "Zeet" Notes far away. The latter gradually comes closer. Both birds utter "Zeet"s rather steadily. then join one another. And I can see that they are both Orange ^[[2 black check marks above]]heads. Then both move off more or less together, feed. At first utter quite a lot more "Zeet"s, then stop. But they do, now, utter R's as Greeting and/or landing calls.