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Does this suggest that the "Zeet"s are PN's????

Then the 2 birds fly off in slightly different directions. Utter "Zeeeeet zeeeeet zeeeeet.....". Notes in flight. Almost "Zeeeeeeee zeeeeee .....". Then rejoin one another with loud R.

Perhaps "Zeeet"s are just intermediate between "pure" Tsit CN's and "pure" Zeeeeeee PN's?

Good heavens! 8:30. Watching pair of [[underlined]]rufinucha[[/underlined]]^[[2 black check marks above]] in area of low open scrub with scattered trees. Then see there is a Firebelly perched in one of the nearby trees. 5 ft. above ground. [[underlined]] rufinuchas[[/underlined]] gradually move off. Firebelly does not follow. Now I see that there are 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]]Firebellies in the tree. One flies off in the direction in which the [[underlined]]rufinuchas [[/underlined]] went. The other remains behind. Then disappears too (when I'm not looking). Then I see it in a nearby tree, only a few feet away. Utters occasional PN's. Then I see that [[underlined]] both [[/underlined]] Firebellies are back. [[underlined]] rufinucha[[/underlined]] far away by now. So the one Firebelly couldn't have done much following, (if it actually did any at all!)

9:02. See single Firebelly ^[[1 black check mark above]] in Orange-head A area (Orange-heads not around at the time). This Firebelly (ies) must have just moved into the area. Certainly was [[underlined]]not [[/underlined]] around on previous days. 

This bird sings a number of more or less twittering songs. Apparently quite alone.

Leaving 9:15 am.

Again glad to see no mixed flocks today.

The events today have revealed one important aspect of an area such as this. Many individuals and species seem to be quite mobile. They may, occasionally move up and down the mountainside for considerable distances. This may increase competition between the species