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[[circled]] 65 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 103 [[/circled

I must say that the whole physical set up here at 9600 - 9550 ft, and the fauna, remind me of Nono.

October 27, 1963
Below Unduavi

Working the same place this morning as yesterday morning. Arrive 5:39. Sky fairly clear. No fog

[[left margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]] 
Lots of dawn song. Bruns in full voice. Overlapping one another.

5:49 Something uttering long series of harsh "Trit"s. But not really continuous like real DC.

5:50. DC like yesterday and day before. Starts irregularly. Only brief series of notes. Same 2 trees as usual. Stops before 5:55.
Bruns still in full voice.

There has been an unknown Attapetes-type song going steadily since 5:45 or earlier. [[underlined]] torquatus?[[/underlined]] 6:00 am. Yes! it is torquatus 2 ^[[2 black check marks above]] birds. SEE TODAY'S NOTES ON ALTAPETES. Neither of these birds is the [[underlined]] torquatus[[/underlined]]seen a couple of days ago.

6:10. See 1 ^[[1 black check mark above]] or 2 [[underlined]]rufinucha[[/underlined]] in area where [[underlined]] torquatus[[/underlined]]were.

6:11. Hear [[underlined]] torquatus[[/underlined]] songs still continuing. Now some distance from where [[underlined]]rufinucha[[/underlined]]  are.

6:12. See single Orange ^[[1 black check mark above]] head hopping about in trees and bushes just where DC used to come from. Utters "Zeeeeeee zeeeeeee zeeeeee zeeeeeee...." in flight. Then lots of loud R's. In flight, when landing,