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[[circled]] 67[[/circled]] [[circled]]105[[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
7:00 am. See single Cy ^[[1 black check mark above]]. Probably same individual. Feeding in "Brun area" where I saw it yesterday. Uttering lots of songs. All "tata to-seeee seeeee seeeee" Again no Bruns audible or visible. Cy apparently alone. Disappears almost immediately.

Everything quiet 7:05.

7:15. Pair of [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]]^[[2 black check marks above]] fly by. Probably one of the pairs that fought yesterday. Uttering "Seeet"s in flight. Alone.

Pair of Whitestarts ^[[2 black check marks above]] alone. (The reason I haven't mentioned Whitestarts more in my notes here is that they tend to stay high in Eucalypts a great deal of the time, and I haven't watched these trees much). But the Whitestarts do come down to low scrub occasionally here. This pair did.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
See a Brun make a short fly catching flight.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
7:25. Now hear some Brun and Whitestart songs overlapping. But the singing birds are not close together.

7:35. See what [[underlined]]looks[[/underlined]], from underneath, like a BCBT ^[[1 black check mark above]]. Single bird. Feeding, silently, in top of one of the trees from which the DC here comes early in the morning! Joined by a [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]]^[[1 black check mark above]], but the latter passes on, without paying any obvious attention.

See a pair of Bruns ^[[2 black check marks above]] close together. No reaction. One flies away about immediately.

7:45. Watching B Orange ^[[2 black check marks above]] heads feeding (in usual way) in thick low scrub. Close together. Uttering only "Trit"s. Soft. Lots of TF, puenously [[?]] lateral, but also definitely D-V. Very little in the way of WF's.

This species is very [[underlined]]Chloroyrungus [[?]][[/underlined]] like in general shape. Also quite reminiscent of [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]].

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
See a couple more song flights. Apparently by Bruns ^[[2 black check marks above]], although (ag