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[[circled in right margin]]68[[/circled]]
[[circled in right margin]]106[[/circled]]

ain) I cant actually identify the birds in the air. Song relatively twittery.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Leaving 8:27. Going down road a little further
Down to 9350 ft.
Hear what sounds like Brun [[circled]]R-twitter [[/circled]]-Zaza

See a couple of [[underlined]]cyanocephala[[/underlined]]^[[2 black check marks above]].

No red or pink tubular flowers around here Lots of obvious second growth.

Whitestart ^[[1 black check mark above]], usual species, fly catching and singing energetically. Alone.

Down to 9175 ft 8:59.
None of my species around. Perhaps to late in the day for them to be active. Also the scrub is obviously record growth and doesn't look too good.

Leaving 9:10 am.


October 28, 1963
Above Unduavi

Working in Myst area (11,250 ft) this morning. Arrive 5:35 am. Still dark. But clear.

Quite a lot of dawn song, altho less than below. Usual thrush. Rattles which may be by Basileuterus XLI. Possibly also some Bl & Or Stripe DC.

The presumed Basileuterus XLI R's are, I think, somewhat softer, on the average, that those of the Orange-heads down below. But