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[[circled]]73[[/circled]] [[circled]]111[[/circled]]

October 29, 1963
Above Unduavi

Going to work along road between Unduavi and Coroico this afternoon. But not (only) in brown Myst area.

First stop. [[underlined]]Just[[/underlined]] beyond Unduavi. Very second growth scrub. 10,750 ft. Arrive 3:15 pm. Cloudy. No fog.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
At least 2 Bruns around. Feeding on globular pink flowers. Singing like birds below Unduavi.

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
Also 1 pair ^[[2 check marks above]] CC's. One bird utters one phrase of song. Long. More mechanical and "wiry" sounding than Brun song. Compound of  bisyllabic notes, I think. Bruns and CC's about 15 ft apart. Then CC's fly off to village garden 50-75 ft away.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
Single Brun ^[[1 check mark above]] feeding insects in scrub 4 ft above ground. Then feeds on yellow flowers.

One (at least) of the Bruns here has light gray superceleary [[?]] streaks 

Whitestart feeding 10 ft from Brun. No reaction between the two. Both silent. Go in different directions.

No songs around now 3:25

Long aerial flight. Involving 3 birds. At least 2 ^[[3 check marks above]] Orangeheads. Then land, utter lots of R's,

See a single thrush. Sooty brown. Orange coral legs & bill, orange eye ring. Black species? Alone.

Something which sounds like [[underlined]] A. "torquatus" [[/underlined]] is singing low in scrub 3:40. Unfortunately bird is hidden.

[[margin in red]] Brun CC [[/margin]]
See single Brun ^[[1 check mark above]] in area toward which CC's flew. Silent. Feeding in usual way. CC's not visible or audible at the time.