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[[circled]] 74 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 112 [[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
this Brun then attacks and chases a hummingbird.

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
Then a single CC in same area, after Brun leaves it. Feeding the cc scrub 5 ft above ground. Silent. Probably, in fact, a pair ^[[2 check marks above]] of CC's. Presumably same pair as seen before. Shall call them pair "Z".

There are several D'Obriguy's[[?]] Finches around. But the CC's do [[underline]]not[[underline]] follow them.

The local CC's look very gray on breast.

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
The CC's are poking at leaves. Also probing into dead flower leaves. Still being silent 3:50. Quite alone. No Brun audible or visible anywhere.

See Single [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]]^[[1 check mark above]] in bush where CC's fed a few minutes ago. Silent. Apparently alone. Apparently not following CC's.

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
Now CC's go up to area where Brun was 10 minutes ago. Still no sign of the latter.

[[margin in red]] CC  Brun[[/margin]]
As far as I can tell, the territory of this pair of CC's is [[underlined]] absolutely identical [[/underlined]] with that of one (or a pair) of the local Bruns(s). Complete overlapping.

See a single Firebelly ^[[1 check mark above]]. Uttering PN's. Alone.

[[margin in red]] Sitti [[/margin]] 
4:05. come across large mixed flock. Includes 2 Sitticys ^[[1 circled above]], 1 ^[[1 check mark above]] Orangehead^[[2 circled above]], 2 ^[[2 check marks above]] Whitestarts ^[[3 circled above]], 2 ^[[2 check marks above]]Basileuterus L ^[[4 circled above]] (which I shall call "Whitestripe"), 1 ^[[1 check mark above]] [[underlined]]cyanocephala [[/underlined]] ^[[5 circled above]], 1 ^[[1 check mark above]] Firebelly ^[[6 circled above]], and 2 ^[[2 check marks above]][[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]]^[[7 circled above]]/ Possibly, but not probably, others. Flock stayed together for 15 minutes, and covered a distance of at least 1/8 mile, moving along edge of road, while I watched it. Then it turned downhill, and I lost sight of it. But I could still hear it in distance. Apparently still keeping together.

Flock as a whole was not very noisy. But the birds did utter