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[[circled]]76[['circled]]  [[circled]]114[[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
Twice, the Whitestarts appeared to be in the lead. They were making moderately long (for them) fly catching rallies in all directions. But no very long flights. Once a fly catching rally by a Whitestart appeared to [[underlined]] initiate a brief, temporary, reversal of the drift of the whole flock[[/underlined]]. Once the Sitticys were definitely in the lead.

Three times, the Orangehead made long flights away from the flock. It was never followed on these occasions. (I think that this Orangehead was one of the pair seen earlier. Presumably it left the flock to see how its mate, and/or family were getting along.)

It may be significant that it rained hard here earlier in the day.

[[margin in red]] CC  Brun [[/margin]]
This flock moved thru or part the territories of the Z CC's and one or more Bruns. Neither of the latter species appeared or vocalized while the flock was nearby.

4:58. See a single [[underlined]]rufinucha[[/underlined^[[1 check mark above]] alone. Uttering "Trit"s.

[[margin in red]] Brun  CC [[/margin]]
5:02. Hear Brun singing. These songs are somewhat more twittery, more fluctuating, than the most mechanical-rounding early morning songs of Bruns down below. This is probably the Brun whose territory overlaps the Z CC territory. CC's not audible or visible at the time the Brun is singing.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
See a single Brun feeding ^[[1 check mark above]]in exactly same bush where Z CC's fed earlier 5:17.

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
The Bruns and CC's around here certainly are [[underlined]]not[ [/underlined]] signing much this afternoon.

Leaving 5:35.

These mixed warbler flocks here are certainly peculiar in some ways. Although there are lots of species that are more or less willing