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[[circled]]77[[/circled]] [[circled]]115[[/circled]]

to follow, Large and varied and long-sustained flocks are apparently only formed "around" a "nucleus" of [[underlined]]Basileuterus[[/underlined]] warblers. But apparently any one of the several species of [[underlined]]Basileuterus[[/underlined]] will "do". What is even more surprising is that the [[underlined]]Basileuterus[[/underlined]] do [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] seen to be the leaders of the flocks most of the time. They apparently provide a "stable" core or "lump"[[?]]for the other species. They may be able to do this primarily because they do not move too fast, and usually or always move by short stages. They also tend to be moderately to very noisy. And some of them are very bright colored.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
I was most interested in the fact that the local Brun(s) did not join or accompany the mixed flock seen this afternoon. Is this due to the fact that the Bruns here, at this relatively low elevation, are not very close to the border of their habitat? Or are Bruns only attracted to mixed flocks containing a relatively larger number of species brighter and/or more conspicuous in other ways that themselves?????? 

October 30, 1963
Above Unduavi

Going to work in Myst area again this morning. Arrive 5:38. More or less clear. Going to try starting in and around B Myst (& Carbo) area, rather than A Myst area as usual.

Some dawn song. Bl & Or Stripe. Basileuterus XLI. Usual thrush.

5:45. Hear what [[underlined]]may[[/underlined]] be same thing as "DC" below Unduavi. Rather their plaintive "Seee" Notes. Uttered a little less rapidly than the