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[[circled]]118[/[circled]]  [[circled]]80[[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
6:40 am. A single [[underlined]]D. lafresuayei[[?]][[/underlined]]^[[1 check mark above]] ssp suddenly shows up, feeding quietly, low in thick scrub. Between 2 trees from which the Bl&Or Stripe sang earlier. But now all the other birds that were in the area have gone far away. This bird is [[underlined]]most[[/underlined]] distinctive in appearance. Has [[underlined]]dirty white [[/underlined]] moustache stripes (only very [[underlined]] slightly [[/underlined]] brownish-really more grayish). No pectoral band. Quite silent. The area where it appeared is more or less the B Myst area; but I never saw the B in this exact spot.  Is this the mate of the B seen earlier?

So there are at least 3 "Mysts" in the general region.

The white moustache Myst disappears again within a few minutes. Probably going slightly downhill.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
It is interesting that this bird did [[underlined]] not[[/underlined]] join the XLI's where everyone else did.

7:00 am. Come across large mixed flock. Includes 4 ^[[4 check marks above]] Basileuterus XLI for at least part of the time (probably the same 4 seen earlier), possibly only 2 the rest of the time; 2 ^[[2 check marks above]]Tanagers LI; 1 ^[[1 check mark above]] Whitestart; 1 ^[[1 check mark above]] or 2 Bl & Or Stripes; 1 ^[[1 check mark above]] or 2 [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]]; possibly ^[[2 check marks above]] others. Making sort of random movements. At one time or another, I saw the Whitestart in the lead, the XLI's in the lead, a Bl & Or Stripe in the lead, and an LI and a [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] (together) in the lead. All of them also followed occasionally.

Once the Whitestart and a couple of the XLI's initiated a diversionary movement to one side, but the rest of the group did not follow. So the Whitestart and the XLI's went back and joined them again.

The [[underlined]]rufinucha [[/underlined]](s) may have showed a slightly tendency to follow the LI's particularly closely.

All the birds fairly quiet, except for the XLI's which had one