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burst of R's.

A few minutes later, I see a pair of ^[[2 check marks above]] Firebellies join the same group. Then apparently leave again.

Group gradually and very slowly moves up hill, so that I lose sight of it.

It may be significant that this morning is not as warm as some other mornings I have worked here.

Why do Orange heads seem to have dropped out of the flocks here. Have they just entered reproductive mood?

Everything quiet now 7:30

Arrive KM 50 marker 7:40. Apparently no mixed flock around. One Whitestart singing.

Come across apparent pair of ^[[2 check marks above]] Bl & Or Stripes 7:55. In thick but low scrub. Largely bamboo. Apparently alone. Noisy. Lots of "Tsit" Notes. Lots of slightly hoarse "Seeeeet" Notes. I don't think that these latter are hostile. Apparently uttered by bird some distance from presumed mate Certainly not uttered by bird near me. Also a variety of other calls. Some R's like those heard earlier this morning. And brief series of more separate "staccato" Notes. Also something like "Wah wah wah wah wah".

The Bl & Or Stripes seems to have a greater preference for low bamboo scrub than does the local Basileuterus XLI. Latter prefers brushy bushes & small trees. But the 2 species do seem to overlap completely.

8:25 am. See a single ^[[1 check mark above]] Whitestart. Alone. Sings occasionally

It is getting hot now.

8:34. See ^[[2 check marks above]] pair of Firebellies. Alone.

Back to KM 50 9:05 am. Still nothing there but one ^[[1 check mark above]] Whitestart Not even singing now.