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[[circled]] 91 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 129 [[/circled]]

7:56. Hear Firebelly twitter.

Come across another group of at least 3 ^[[3 check marks above]] Bl & Or Stripes. In bamboo scrub. Uttering lots of hoarse "Seeeet"s. Followed by a bird ^[[1 check mark above]] of another species. Unidentified. Possibly a furuariid.

Going up road to Culuteurcara[[?]].

See a single Firebelly ^[[1 check mark above]] 11,200 ft.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
8:35. See a single Diglona. Almost certainly Myst. ^[1 black check mark above]] In area where there is thick scrub, quite a lot of red, pink, & orange flowers of various shapes 11,410 ft.

[[margin in red]] Sitti  B&C [[/margin]]
Go to 11,600 ft without seeing anything more.

8:55 11,500 ft. Come across [[underlined]]big[[/underlined]] mixed flock. Includes at least 2 Black ^[[2 check marks above]]^[[1 in circle above]]-cheeks (possibly at least 4 ^[[2 check marks above]] more), 2 ^[2 check marks above]] Sitticys ^[[2 in circle above]], [[underlined]] at least ^[[3 in circle above]] 1 ^[[1 in circle above]] Blue & Chestnut Conebill [[/underlined]], 2 ^[[2 check marks above]] tanager ^[[4 in circle above]] LI's. at least one ^[[1 check mark above]]furnariid ^[[6 in circle above]], others ^[[2 check marks above]].  ^[[SEE BELOW in red in vertical with red arrow pointing right in left margin]]

A tanager LI was in the lead crossing the road. Followed by a Sitticy. Followed by the rest. 

Flock going straight up hill thru thick, mixed (bamboo & everything else) scrub of medium height. Birds 2-10 ft above ground. Flock as a whole noisy.  CN's, hoarse "Seeeet"s, R's, staccato notes.

This area is at least 1 KM from the 50 KM marker. Possibly not the same flock as the 50 KM one.

Leaving 9:25 am.

Thinking things over-it seems quite possible that the mixed flock seen at 11,500 ft [[underlined]]was [[/underlined]] the 50 KM flock.

If so, it seems likely that such species as the tanager LI, the Sitticy, and the Black cheek range over very wide areas. And they may keep together constantly for a very long period of time.

As far as my observations go, the tanager LI and the Blac