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[[circled]] 92 [[circled]] [[circled]] 130 [[/circled]]

k-cheek are as much "obligate" members of mixed flocks at the Sitticy.

[[vertical in left margin] Possibly Hemisprugies[[?]] melauotis

Working in the botanical garden this afternoon. See new species of thrush 5:20. Medium gray brown above, lighter ([[underlined]]quite[[/underlined]] light) below. Dark bill & eyes. Apparently dull neutral legs. Alone.

[[margin in red]] B & C [[margin]]
[[in red pencil]] POSSIBLE CORRECTION: ^[[in black]] the birds that I thought were Blue & Chestnut Conebills in the mixed flocks this morning had dark (presumably gray) chins-I think. This does not accord with my description of the Blue & Chestnuts seen earlier. Were the birds seen today a different species?

November 2, 1963
Above Unduavi

First going to work in Z CC area. Arrive 3:02 p.m. Mixed clouds & sun.

Single [[underlined]]cyanocephala[[/underlined]]^[[1 check mark above]] flies by. With PN's. Alone.

Then see pair of Whitestarts ^[[2 check marks above]]. Possibly associated with some ^[[2 check marks above]] other birds.

Can hear diglossine signing in background.

[[margin in red]] Brun  CC[[/margin]]
3:16. See Brun ^[[1 check mark above]] singing. Very rattle like twitter. Quite like that of the birds below Unduavi. Perched exposed 6 ft. above ground in area of varied scrub. Near or in Z CC area. No CC's visible or audible.

[[margin in red]] CC [/margin]]
3:35. Finally see Z CC's ^[[2 check marks above]]. Going up hill in area of [[underlined]] very [/underlined]] sparse second growth. I have seen a Brun in this area on previous days, but there is none around audible or visible at the present time. CC's apparently silent. When first seen, they were not far from a pair of D'Orbegny's[[?]] Tuich[[?]]