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[[circled]] 101 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 137 [[/circled]]

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
[[underlined]]Nigrocuistatus[[/underlined]] f ^[[arrow pointed right]] Myst. Black & Orange Stripe f ^[[arrow pointed right. Lots of noise in flock. Hoarse "Seeeah" (FB?), and peculiar "Bur-rrrp" Notes ( by [[underlined]]B. nigrocuistatus [[/underlined]]?) most common.

[[margin in red]] Myst [[/margin]]
When Myst sees me, it flits all around me. Close. Nervous. Excited. But quite silent. This bird has light flesh colored base of lower mandible.  [[underlined]] Pale fluffy white moustache stripes. [[/underlined]] Juvenile? (Quite Pect-like[[?]] in general proportions.)
Flock moves quite rapidly & purposely up hill.

Firebellies presumably still in area did not seem to be attracted to his flock.

10:18. Flush what is almost certainly [[underlined]] A.^[[1 check mark above]] torquatus[[/underlined]]. Alone. Silent.

Leaving 10:25

As far as I can tell, the mixed flocks here now are much the same, in [[underlined]] most[[/underlined]] respects, to the mixed flocks seen here earlier. The same "fluctuating" or "variable" leadership. Perhaps relatively slightly more common now? Certainly moving more rapidly and steadily now. Does this mean that food is relatively scarce now, [[underlined]]i.e.[[/underlined]] that the birds have to travel farther now, to get the same amount of food that they could get earlier while stationary??

NOTE: I was told, upon my arrival here, that the rains had stopped, at least in La Paz, 4 or 5 days before my arrival. I.E. rainy season is drawing toward an end.

February 28, 1964
Nr. Unduavi[[?]]

Arrive Myst area 5:55 am. Still fairly dark. Looks as if the daw