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[[circled]]103[[/circled]] [[circled]139[[/circled]]

SEE TODAY'S NOTES ON MIXED DIGLOSSINI (especially for a description of a very large mixed flock at the upper end of the path to Cilluntincara).

[[margin in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
Observation of the large flock today confirmed by my previous impressions. Large flocks here seem to be partly compound, including recognizable sub-groups. The large brightly colored tanager sub-group (e.g. Firebellies, Montane GMT's, etc.) seems to be the most distinct. Divisions within the warbler, Conebill, [[underlined]] Hemisprugus[[?]][[/underlined]], ...[[?]] sub-group are less easy to identify or categorize. Within this sub-group, it would seem that the roles of several species (warblers and  [[underlined]] Hemisprugus[[?]][[/underlined]]) are partly "interchangeable". Thus, for instance, this morning the furnarid[[?]] LXX was first associated with[[underlined]] B. vigroisistus[[?]][[/underlined]] and then disappeared from my view-[[underlined]]perhaps [[/underlined]] following [[underlined]] B. vigroisistus[[?]][[/underlined]].

The large flock this morning was[[underlined]] not [[/underlined]]very purposeful. 

Going to work in garden area near lower La Paz. Arrived 4:02 pm.

See single Orange-bill alone. Again. Again.

Garden has been rather changed. Various things have been planted.

See a pair of [[underlined]]P. gayi [[/underlined]] 4:15. Alone.

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
Catch one glimpse of what is probably Carbo in A hedge area. Silent and alone.

See single thrush alone. Looks big Brownish (dull, moderately dark) Orange bill & legs, [[underlined]]thin[[/underlined]] yellow-eye ring.

[[margin in red]] Carbo [[/margin]]
4:28. Hear what may be Carbo songs in distance.

See a single House Wren alone.